Music and Technology in the Primary Classroom

Our Professional Development workshops give you the confidence and tools to deliver music lessons in the classroom. Covering basic elements from the F-10 music curriculum, you will develop skills, ideas, and activities for immediate use. All events are designed for both generalist classroom teachers and music specialists.

All workshops are curriculum aligned to the relevant State music syllabus and aligned to AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers. Musica Viva Australia is a NESA-recommended provider because we currently run programs that are NESA-accredited.

Technology can make music education more accessible and engaging for students of all ages. It supports diverse learning styles and allows students to embrace musical creativity. Join Angela Wagstaff for a workshop that focusses on bringing technology into your classroom as a creative tool. 


  • Explore the use of technology as a basis for creativity and self-expression 
  • Discover ways that music can support use of technology in the classroom
  • Scaffold activities from simple to more complex with the use of technological tools


These events are designed for both generalist classroom teachers and music specialists. 

While our resources and PD are primarily aimed at Primary School teachers, all are welcome, including: 

  • primary school teachers 
  • pre-service teachers 
  • school leaders with an interest in music education for primary school students 
"Musica Viva PD has given me so many ideas to refresh my teaching & create new learning experiences for my students."
— Deb Smith, Groves Christian College

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

12 May   Ainslie Art Centre Main Hall 3:45PM - 6PM


In Person Registration essential

Event notes

Venue Information

Ainslie Art Centre Main Hall
30 Elouera St
Braddon ACT 2612


Registrations essential, refreshments provided from 3:45PM