Anne Frankenberg

Anne Frankenberg

The lodestar for Anne Frankenberg’s career has been her passion for the cultural and community sector, in particular for music performance and music education.

Trained initially as a clarinettist, Anne has Music and Psychology degrees, an Executive MBA, and has undertaken the McKinsey Academy Executive Leadership Program and the Chief Executive Women Leaders Program. She commenced her arts-management career with the Victoria State Opera, and with Opera Australia as Company Manager, Manager of the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, and OzOpera Manager. Anne was appointed founding General Manager of Victorian Opera in 2006, working closely with the late Richard Gill AO to establish it.

Anne has also been Director of Communications and Fundraising and Deputy Executive Director at International Women’s Development Agency, General Manager of 3MBS Radio, and Deputy General Manager at the Australian National Academy of Music.

She has served on the Boards of the Australian Youth Orchestra, Melbourne Chamber Orchestra, and the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia. Anne undertakes mentoring of individuals and organisations, informally, as a Fellow of St Hilda’s College, and through Creative Partnerships Australia.