What a musical start to the year at The Pines School!

Now in the third year of their Music Education Residency Program, the school continues to build a strong and inclusive music program. 

With over 150 students from Years 3-6 learning one of 15 different musical instruments this year, The Pines offers an inclusive and supportive program that helps disadvantaged students succeed as music makers.  

Students have access to a dedicated music practice space where they are supported by music teachers before school, after school, and during playtimes. They also develop their music skills through ensemble playing, including in a school band, string orchestra, string quartet, or one of many 'pop-up' small ensembles that evolve as students collaborate towards performance goals. It has been particularly rewarding to see so many students develop their collaborative skills, often creating original compositions and exploring various music styles.  

Teachers appreciate witnessing some of their most challenged learners succeed in music. With regular class 'chamber' performances, music success is made visible and valued by both staff and peers.  

The Pines Senior Taiko drummers have had a particularly busy start to the year, receiving two invitations to perform. Their first performance was for education leaders at the Lakes Resort at Westlakes, followed by a performance at Parafield Gardens High School as part of their Harmony Day assembly. The students were filled with nerves and excitement, especially upon learning that Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the Department for Education, was in the audience at one of these events.  

This year, The Pines School is excited to launch a new Junior String program. This initiative supports approximately 150 students in Reception and Year 1 in learning a string instrument with their class. Each class engages with a music teacher once a week, and then practices with their regular teacher daily. The young participants in this program learn about their instruments and music making through songs, games, and activities focused on patterns, beats, and rhythms. Students in the program eagerly anticipate their music sessions and often sing songs about bowing and pizzicato as they move around the school.  

Recent research highlights the positive impact of these programs on literacy, numeracy, cognitive thinking, and wellbeing among younger students. 

Recently Da Vinci's Apprentice visited to perform, and the students' own Pines News Network (PNN) captured the event with a fantastic video! This project highlights the creativity and dedication of these students and their passion for music. A huge thank you to Veronica and Don Aldridge for their incredible support of the Music Education Residency Program